
New Malaysian Essays 1

Edited by Amir Muhammad
ISBN: 9789834359614
Pages: 254 (paperback)
Printer: Academe Art & Printing Services Sdn Bhd
Layout & Typesetting: Bright Lights at Midnight
Distributor: Gerakbudaya (Malaysia)
Price: RM30 (Malaysia) / S$17 (Singapore) / US$20 (Amazon)

First Edition: February 2008
Second Edition: March 2008
Third Edition: May 2009

The first of a planned annual series concentrating on local non-fiction writing. From polemic to ode to memoir, this series invites Malaysian readers - and writers - to notice, analyse and interpret the living, throbbing, squelching vitality around them. Multi-disciplinary, multi-tasking and best appreciated on multi-vitamins, this first collection takes us from Brian Yap's election-era critique to Amir Muhammad's alternative lexicon by way of Burhan Baki's elegant deconstructions, Aminuddin Mahmud's seminar on branding and Saharil Hasnin Sanin's knockabout ruminations on language [in Malay] before rounding off with Sonia Randhawa's stirring call for national (and therefore personal) self-realisation.

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