
New Malaysian Essays 3

Edited by Yin Shao Loong
ISBN: 9789834484552
Pages: 89 (e-book)
Layout & Typesetting: Liza Manshoor (Eclectic Design)
Cover: Teck Hee

Price: FREE
Sole Edition: September 2010

NEW MALAYSIAN ESSAYS 3 breaks from the norm by being released only as a free e-book! Take notes while Wong Chin Huat teaches you how to become a good demonstrator; take in the conflicted sweep of post-1969 cultural policy with Simon Soon; take a tour of the non-heterosexist nation that Clarissa Lee imagines from Merdeka to the present; and take stock of the situation of Peninsular Malaysia's indigenous people with Mor Ajani. We end with Sumitra Visvanathan inviting us to take refugees into our definition of what 'Malaysia, Truly Asia' could possibly be.

The e-book can be downloaded here!