Edited by Amir Muhammad
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ISBN: 9789834359683
Pages: 288
Printer: Academe Art & Printing Services
Layout & Typesetting: Liza Manshoor / Eclectic Design
Distributor: Gerakbudaya
Price: RM36 (Malaysia) / US$30 (Amazon)
First Edition: July 2009
Second Edition: August 2009
New Malaysian Essays 2 is bigger and maybe more badass than the first. Shanon Shah squarely faces the politics of religion and Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi critiques 'power architecture', a subject Ridhwan Saidi also handles with witty immediacy. We then take in Amir Sharipuddin's journal of National Service, Yusuf Martin's amusing rant on the Americanisation (or is that Americanization?) of popular culture, Amir Muhammad's views on royalty, Ann Lee's secret history of leprosy, and Danny Lim's photo-essay on our newly-regained love for public demonstrations. As night falls, Andrew Ng and Jac sm Kee play twin tributes to the female undead that not only scare us but help define us.
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